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This morning when I woke up, with a smile on my face before I even opened my eyes - my brain reconnected with a song I heard on my way home last night: Crowder’s “Good God Almighty”. There is no possible way to stay depressed, anxious, ticked off, frustrated or any other joyless, hopeless, peaceless state of mind when you hear or think of this song!

Go ahead, I’ll wait… I’m serious! You Tube. Crowder. Good God Almighty….

I KNOW! Right!?

Anyway, this morning’s thoughts as I woke up from a strange situational dream had me thinking I am so grateful for unanswered prayer. Yeah, I know. UN-answered prayer? Yes. There are things I’ve prayed desperately for and am still waiting for – with confidence that it WILL happen in God’s timing, eventually. The wait – although not really welcome – is not a deterrent to my confident expectation that it IS coming and I’m just waiting to see how and when God’s going to work out all the details for perfect fulfillment. There are other things that before the words were done crossing my lips – or even my MIND – the answer came with a resounding YES and there it was!

Then there are other times.

The times where the questions are answered dimly. Or seemingly not at all. There’s no real “confirmation” of a no, no assurance that it’s coming, no sense of response at all… I have learned … no, I AM LEARNING… that those times are opportunities to set my mind (to borrow a line from Crowder’s song) that I will “praise Him no matter what comes”. This shift in perspective is helpful. Waiting has benefits we don’t recognize right away. One of my favorite verses, from Isaiah chapter 30:18, says, "Blessed are all those who wait for Him." and Lamentations 3:25-26 adds to it: "The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord." Sometimes during the wait, I realize I don’t really need what I thought I did and my “wants” in prayer change. Sometimes other stuff comes to light and I discover that what I asked for has ripple effects I DEFINITELY would not have anticipated, and positively don’t want. "Thanks for not giving me that, God!"

This morning I am simply sitting in the gratitude of knowing in this moment that "every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights" (James 1:17) and like the country song says: "Sometimes our greatest gifts are unanswered prayer." so, even if I don't see the "why" quite yet, or agree with what seems like a "no" from Him right now, I'm content to wait, content to be joyful, hopeful, peaceful and "Praise Him at the top of my lungs!" while I wait... Thanks Crowder! Thank You, "Father of Lights"! I'm off to work for now... more soon!


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