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Almost Home ....

This morning I woke up just after 4 am, dark, but the bathroom light’s still on. Steve had to sleep on the recliner again because of a head cold…As I start to fully wake, I realize the song in my head this morning: “…almost home, brother it won’t be long, soon all your burdens will be gone…sister run wild run free ….we are almost home!” quickly followed by a snipet of two verses: “Lord teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom” and “run with perseverance the race set before you”. I’ve fallen asleep in more ways than one. I grab my phone and my lap top. Haven’t blogged on my website in a while. Haven’t practiced a song. Haven’t worked on a speech. Haven't facilitated a class. my house could be a walk-in yard sale! So much want to make sure Steve and all my kids know how much I love them. We never know when our days will be up. We need to live like it.I look up the full lyrics to Mercy Me's song Almost home, watch the video, letting the words renew my determination to go forward. The rest of the lyrics get me jump started (please, look it up and tape it to your wall, fridge's a powerful reminder!). I need to move out of the ruts I've been in.

I have a race to run with joy and I’ve been sleep walking through most of my days lately – I have purpose I haven’t been walking in except for little spurts of awareness here and there. A lock down, shut down, viral crash shouldn't change that. Time to get Reappointed, right now!

I don’t know when my last moments here will be, could be years - could be hours. I need to – I WANT to run this race redeemed, hope-filled and purposeful instead of distracted, busy and discouraged. As I’ve told Jason before, only I can flip that switch - in determination to reconnect with the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit Who helps me “do all things through Christ Who strengthens me”.

Lord help me see today’s race clearly. Help me KNOW the power of Your resurrection and the hope You’ve called us to in Your Son. I want to run well – please forgive me for the times I’ve hurt others, made decisions that made You look bad to those who didn’t know I was a poor reflection of a GREAT and powerful Love. Draw them to You in healing, Grace and salvation. And set our feet once more together on this path You’ve laid out for us <3 I am so grateful You are the Lord of Reconciliation! Leaving what’s behind – both failures and accomplishments – “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”

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