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You are Awesome!
Welcome to The Wildest Ride of Your Life – YOUR Life!
Circumstances change on a moment’s notice, situations arise from exciting to terrifying, dips and turns keep you off-balance and unexpected squalls leave you searching for an anchor in the storm and a hand to hold onto!
The great news is YOU HAVE ONE!
You have a Helper bigger than you imagined and stronger than any friend you’ve ever had! In sharing my journey with and without Him, through my books, blog and speaking events, I encourage you to find Him too.
Come! Meet a Man Who told me everything I ever did –
and gave me the ability to SMILE about it!

From small events to large congregations or conferences,
I give my personal testimony and encouragement through music for anyone who wants to make better choices to get better results from their lives. For more details see More About Tracy below...

The Power of Choices
Abortion is a power-packed and heated subject of much controversy. It is deeply personal, politically charged and fraught with emotion from both sides of the debate. It is also the subject of many individual testimonies of pain, regret, physical damage and personal heartache.
The Power of Choices is one woman’s personal testimony of her journey through this emotional minefield.
It is a look back at the progression of choices that resulted in the most pain-inducing decision of her life, the consequences she has had to deal with as a result, and the conclusions she has come to in the 33 years since this 20 minute event occurred. It is an exploration of personal responsibility and the Grace that enables all of us to accept and pursue it, one decision at a time.
This is her journey of healing, restoration and faith.
Stories From the Well
Life is hard – for everyone. No matter how hard we try sometimes, it may feel like there is no relief in sight. The temptation for self-pity, guilt, blame and bitterness is strong. But none of these options change the mess we’re in.
We’re all been there. We’ve tried so many ways to fill the void in our hearts and most times we just increase the longing – and the problem. We find ourselves disappointed, disillusioned and in need of true refreshment.
But there is a Hope that never disappoints. There is Someone Who knows every detail of every time you’ve stumbled in your life and still loves you fiercely and completely. There is no condemnation in His eyes – just a hope-filled offer for renewal from a Spring that never runs dry, and never fails to satisfy the deepest longings of your heart.
Based on a conversation that changed everything centuries ago, “Stories from the Well” is my journey to that refreshment. In sharing the different courses my life has taken and the resources God used to teach me lessons in Grace, I too want to run joyfully back into town to call out:
“Come meet a Man who told me everything I ever did!”
He gave me His Living Water – and I will never be the same!

I'm Just Like You...
I’m not a picture perfect anything – but I am completely me!
I still struggle with moments of frustration that make me lose focus on the important things that make my life completely worth living! Yes, I forget my cell phone, have bad hair days, and wonder what is coming next around the corner in this crazy, sometimes upside down life. I can have ‘ugly cry’ days, but, thankfully, they are getting fewer and farther between. I love, laugh, and squeal with delight when I’m excited – and love the days I wake up with a song in my heart. On other days….well, you know!
My response to other people is something I choose, not something they “make me” do. That’s a challenge to remember sometimes.
But this one thing I know to the core of my being: I will never take another step in my life alone. God is my constant, loving, direction in life. Nothing I do - or fail to do – will EVER change that!
If you’d like to share life with me, in a blog, at a conference, or in a book, you’ve come to the right place! Let’s discover together what’s around the next corner!

Where is Tracy next?
April 18,
Mountain Lakes, NJ
The Power of Choices
Presenting "The Power of Choices" at this month's Stonecroft's Christian Women's Connection luncheon at the Zeis Inn 11:00 - 12:30 PM
April 19,
Tom's River, NJ
The Power of Choices
Presenting "The Power of Choices" at this month's Stonecroft's Christian Women's Connection luncheon at the Day's Inn from 11:00 - 12:30 pm

May 10,
Seymour, CT
The Power of Choices
Presenting "The Power of Choices" at this month's Stonecroft's Christian Women's Connection brunch

April 7,
A Season of
Women's Conference
Christian Life Assembly
The Power of Choices
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April 10
Ocean City, NJ
Stonecroft Ministries
The Power of Choices
Presenting "The Power of Choices" at this month's Stonecroft's Christian Women's Connection brunch

April 10
Stonecroft Women's Connection
Ocean City, NJ
Making the Most of The Power of YOUR Choices
The results we get in life depend largely on the choices we make every day. One choice here and there doesn’t seem to have much of an impact one way or another, but similar choices made consistently over time very definitely steer our lives in the direction of the dominant choices we make. We are given the opportunity to CHANGE these choices at any point if we decide we don’t like the results we are experiencing.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Do not go where the path may lead. Instead, go where there is no path and leave a trail”