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Moving with the Cloud...

This morning’s devotional in Our Daily Bread touched my heart

... "divine unpredictability" is "unsettling" and "moves of the heart" teach us to trust in uncertain circumstances. <3

This has been an ongoing learning experience for me. And to the degree that I insist on fighting against or cooperating with it, I choose my own level of peace and joy. The Bible tells us that at the move of the cloud of God’s presence, the Israelites moved, and at the stopping of the cloud of God’s presence, they stayed. The cry of my heart is to be led by the will of God! But so often, it’s the unpredictability of it all that has me faltering.

Someone recently noted that in a conversation of their own with God, they said, “Lord, I’ve been following you for 20 years now” to which God replied, “No, you’ve been following me for 2 years, the other 18, I dragged you kicking and complaining!” – I resemble that remark, to my own chagrin!

Like a little child, complaining “Are we THERE yet?!” I have not been the most pleasant traveling companion for the Holy Spirit. I want a map, fully explained itineraries, detailed instructions - and veto power! - when it comes to life's twists and turns. But God has been showing me (for quite some time!) that staying or moving, pulling up stakes or putting down roots, remaining in a challenging situation as long (and only as long!) as He deems necessary has purpose, intentional lessons and certain growth in store - not the least of which is learning to the core of my being that His plans, even though I don't know the details, are "good and perfect" beyond anything we can see in the middle of the journey. I pray for the daily Grace to "move" at His Word, "stay" in His Will, and trust His heart toward me and you.

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